Plant health care guide

Our plant health care experts can help prevent diseases and insects from harming your property.


As a homeowner, you want to ensure that your plants and shrubs stay healthy and beautiful year-round. However, there are many insects and diseases that can threaten the health of your plants, especially in the New England area. One of the keys to keeping your plants healthy is to be able to identify the insects and diseases that may be harming them. Keep an eye out for the following:


Small, soft-bodied insects that suck sap from plants and excrete a sticky substance called honeydew; can cause yellowing, curling, and stunted growth in plants

Apple moniliasis. The apple rot on the tree. Fruit rot of the apple tree. Diseases of fruit trees.
Apple Scab

Fungal disease that affects apple trees and causes dark, scabby lesions on leaves and fruit; can lead to defoliation and reduced yield

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Asian Long Horn Beetle

Large, invasive black beetle with white spots and long antennae that attacks deciduous trees, such as maple and birch; severely damages trees and leads to tree death

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Box Elder Bugs

Black and red insects that feed on the leaves, flowers, and seeds of box elder trees; can become a nuisance when they invade homes in large numbers

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Moth larvae that construct protective bags made of silk and plant material, which they attach to branches; can defoliate trees and shrubs if left untreated

Macro view of a carpenter ant standing on a bright yellow flower
Carpenter Ants

Large ants that excavate wood to create nests; can cause structural damage to homes and buildings if left untreated

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Emerald Ash Borers

Metallic green beetles that feed on ash trees and lay eggs on the bark; can kill ash trees within a few years of infestation

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Fungal pathogen that can cause needle discoloration, branch dieback, and canker formation in trees and shrubs; leads to weakens plants and makes them vulnerable

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Fire Blight

Bacterial disease that affects apples, pears, and other fruit trees; causes wilting, blackening, and cankers on branches and fruit spurs

High angle shot of a Gypsy Moth on a leaf
Spongy Moth

Caterpillars with distinctive markings that feed on the leaves of trees and shrubs; can defoliate large areas of forest and urban trees. (formerly known as Gypsy Moth)

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Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Small, aphid-like insects that feed on hemlock trees and secrete a protective waxy coating; can cause needle discoloration, defoliation, and eventual tree death

Closeup of a Japanese beetle on a green leaf.
Japanese Beetles

Metallic green and bronze beetles that feed on the leaves, flowers, and fruit of many plants; can cause significant damage to gardens, lawns, and landscapes

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Group of destructive plant pathogens that pose a serious threat to various plants. These stealthy pathogens attack the roots, stems, and leaves of plants, causing wilting, root rot, and plant death.

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Scale Insects

Small, immobile insects that feed on the sap of plants; can cause yellowing, wilting, and death if left untreated. Scale insects are often found on magnolia trees

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Spider Mites

Tiny arachnids that feed on the undersides of leaves and spin webs; can cause leaf discoloration, wilting, and defoliation if left untreated

Spotted Lanternfly

Invasive planthopper that feeds on the sap of trees, vines, and crops; can cause wilting, oozing, and death if left untreated.

If you have any questions or concerns about the health of your plants, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our plant health care experts are here to help!